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Fonte dell'Acqua Acetosa

Acqua Acetosa Fountain – The Prince and the Marchioness

The city of Rome, as is well known, has always been synonymous with romance. As a result, there are countless love stories, more or less known, linked to its streets, its squares, its unforgettable corners. Some have had a happy ending, while others unfortunately do not. Nevertheless, they have left an indelible trace of their intensity. It is a trace that by making a little effort you can still manage to find.

Therefore, today we are going to tell you one of these stories, set near the Fountain of Acqua Acetosa. The area where the Acqua Acetosa Fountain is located was in fact the scene of the romantic love story.

This love story was between Crown Prince Ludwig I of Bavaria and the beautiful marquise Marianna Florenzi. Here the two young people met secretly for months, looking for a place where they could hide from prying eyes and malicious tongues. It is said that the prince, madly in love with Rome and the young girl, did everything in his power to further sweeten the park. It even seems that he decided to donate several benches, to allow anyone who visited it, to find comfort.

Unfortunately, the romance between the prince and the marquise ended quickly. According to the tradition, it is said that it ended for reasons of state. But the most informed claim that a tender friendship survived between the two in the years that followed. It is said that they both cherished a sweet memory of those days forever.

However, the traces of this love have not disappeared completely. For instance, there is an engraving in German, visible under one of the benches on the outer wall. This recalls: “Ludwig, Crown Prince of Bavaria, had these seats and trees put here”.

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