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Ten things to see in Arezzo – Travel summary

Here is a list of 10 things to see in Arezzo during a trip: 1. Piazza Grande: Arezzo's main square, surrounded by beautiful medieval and Renaissance buildings. It is also famous for being the set of the film 'Life is Beautiful'. 2. Cathedral of San Donato: An imposing 12th century cathedral with a beautiful bell tower and Renaissance frescoes inside. 3. Basilica di San Francesco: This basilica houses the famous Legend of the True Cross by Piero della Francesca, one of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. 4. National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art: This museum houses an extensive collection of medieval and modern art, including sculptures, frescoes and paintings. 5. Fortezza Medicea: A fortress built in the 16th century that offers a panoramic view of the city and also houses a public park. 6. Casa del Petrarca: The house where the famous Renaissance poet Francesco Petrarca lived for a time. Today it is a museum that houses documents and objects related to his life. 7. Roman Amphitheatre: This ancient Roman amphitheatre, located in the centre of Arezzo, is a historical venue hosting cultural events and shows. 8. Church of San Domenico: A 13th century Gothic church with a fascinating interior decorated with paintings and frescoes. 9. Ivan Bruschi House Museum: This house-museum offers an insight into daily life during the Renaissance, with a rich collection of artworks, furniture and antiques. 10. The Antiques Fair: If you visit Arezzo on the first weekend of the month, don't miss the famous Antiques Fair, one of the most important antiques markets in Italy, where you can find art objects, furniture and more. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Arezzo – Travel summary

Piazza Del Duomo, 52100 Arezzo AR, Italy

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