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Ten things to see in Bari – Travel summary

Here are 10 things to see in Bari on a trip: 1. Basilica di San Nicola: one of Bari's main attractions, it is a majestic basilica dedicated to the city's patron saint, St Nicholas. 2. Old Town of Bari: explore the narrow, winding streets of the Old Town, with its quaint alleys, typical architecture and ancient churches. 3. Norman-Swabian Castle: an imposing medieval fortress located on Bari's seafront. It is an excellent example of Norman and Swabian military architecture. 4. Piazza del Ferrarese: one of Bari's main squares, it is located in the heart of the Old Town and offers a lively and animated atmosphere with numerous shops and restaurants. 5. Teatro Petruzzelli: an elegant neoclassical theatre, considered one of the largest theatres in Europe. It is famous for its prestigious opera and ballet productions. 6. Lungomare di Bari: a walk along the seafront promenade offers a panoramic view of the Adriatic Sea and the port of Bari. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the sunset. 7. Bari Cathedral: located in the heart of the old city, Bari Cathedral is an important place of worship and an example of Apulian Romanesque architecture. 8. Pinacoteca Provinciale di Bari: an art museum housing a vast collection of paintings and works of art from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. 9. Mercato del Pesce: located near the harbour, this is one of the oldest markets in Bari. Here you can find a wide variety of fresh fish and seafood. 10. Parco della Sciuscià: a public park located in the northern part of Bari, it offers large green spaces, an artificial lake and several attractions for children, making it ideal for a family visit. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Bari – Travel summary

Bari, Metropolitan City of Bari, Italy

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