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Ten things to see in Brescia – Travel summary

Here is a list of 10 things to see in Brescia during a trip: 1. The Duomo Vecchio: an imposing cathedral built between the 11th and 14th centuries, offering a panoramic view of the city from its bell tower. 2. The Duomo Nuovo: a 17th-century cathedral with a sumptuous interior and white marble façade. 3. The Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo: an art museum housing a collection of Italian works of art from the 13th to the 18th century. 4. The Brescia Castle: a medieval fortress with towers, walls and a wide view of the city. Inside is the Luigi Marzoli Weapons Museum, which presents a vast collection of ancient weapons. 5. The Teatro Grande: a 19th-century neoclassical theatre known for its excellent acoustics and beautiful architecture. 6. The Santa Giulia Museum: a museum complex located in an ancient abbey, which tells the history of Brescia from antiquity to the medieval period. 7. Piazza della Loggia: a historic square adorned with an elegant town hall and an ancient astronomical clock. 8. La Rotonda di San Tomaso: a circular medieval church, situated in the hills above the city, offering a splendid panoramic view. 9. The Mille Miglia Museum: a museum dedicated to the famous Italian automobile race, featuring a collection of vintage cars and memorabilia. 10. The Public Gardens: a central park where you can relax and enjoy nature, with trees, fountains and a view of the old city. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Brescia – Travel summary

P.za Paolo VI, 25121 Brescia BS, Italy

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