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Ten things to see in Massa – Travel summary

Here is a list of 10 things to see in Massa during a trip: 1. The Duomo di Massa: This majestic cathedral is one of the city's main landmarks, with its imposing and fascinating architecture. 2. The Malaspina Castle: Located in the historical centre of Massa, the castle offers panoramic views of the city and the sea and also houses an interesting museum. 3. Piazza degli Aranci: A beautiful square in the heart of the city, surrounded by shops, cafés and restaurants. It is a great place to sit and enjoy the local atmosphere. 4. The Villa della Versiliana: A historic villa set in a centuries-old park, which hosts cultural events and art exhibitions. It is a place rich in history and beauty. 5. The Apuan Alps Regional Park: This natural park offers beautiful hikes and panoramic views. It is a paradise for lovers of nature and outdoor sports. 6. The Carraia Museum: A museum dedicated to the tradition of marble processing in this region. It exhibits tools, machines and works of art made of marble. 7. The Duomo di Massa Carrara: Located in the town of Massa Carrara, near Massa, this cathedral is a magnificent religious structure with an important collection of sacred art. 8. The Colonnata Quarries: These marble quarries are a unique attraction to see. Besides watching the marble being worked, you can also taste the famous lard from Colonnata. 9. The Marina di Massa Beach: This beautiful beach offers golden sand, crystal-clear waters and a range of services for visitors. It is an ideal place to relax and enjoy the sea. 10. Ugo Guidi Museum: Located in Forte dei Marmi, not far from Massa, this museum displays modern and contemporary artworks by Italian and international artists. It is an interesting stop for art lovers. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Massa – Travel summary

Piazza Duomo, 54033 Carrara MS, Italy

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