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Ten things to see in Savona – Travel summary

Here are 10 things to see in Savona on a trip: 1. Leon Pancaldo Tower: This medieval tower offers a panoramic view of the city and the sea. You can also visit the museum inside the tower. 2. Palazzo Della Rovere: This Renaissance palace houses the Museo Civico, which offers a vast collection of artwork, including paintings and sculptures. 3. Cathedral of the Assumption: This majestic cathedral is an example of Gothic architecture. Inside you can admire frescoes and works of art. 4. Priamar Fortress: This 16th century fortress sits on a hill and offers a splendid view of the city and the harbour. Inside you can visit the Archaeological Museum. 5. Savona Pier: This promenade is ideal for a stroll and to enjoy the sunset over the sea. 6. Oratorio di Nostra Signora della Misericordia: This ancient religious building has a Baroque façade and inside you can admire frescoes and stuccoes. 7. Ponte Vecchio: This pedestrian bridge suspended over the Letimbro river is an ideal place for a romantic stroll or for taking panoramic photos. 8. Old town centre: Strolling through Savona's old town centre you can discover beautiful medieval buildings, picturesque streets and quaint shops. 9. Palazzo Gavotti: This neoclassical palace hosts temporary exhibitions and cultural events. Its beautiful façade is a must for architecture lovers. 10. Stroll along the harbour: Savona's harbour offers a wide range of restaurants, bars and shops. A stroll along the harbour is a great way to immerse yourself in the city's maritime atmosphere. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Savona – Travel summary

Piazza Del Duomo, 17100 Savona SV, Italy

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