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Ten things to see in Treviso – Travel summary

Here are 10 things to see in Treviso during a trip: 1. Piazza dei Signori: This central square is the heart of Treviso's historic centre and offers a panoramic view of the city. Here you can admire historical buildings such as the Palazzo dei Trecento and the Loggia dei Cavalieri. 2. The Duomo: Located next to Piazza dei Signori, the Duomo of Treviso is a magnificent Gothic cathedral with an imposing façade. Inside you can admire important works of art, including an Annunciation by Titian. 3. Mediaeval fortifications: Treviso is surrounded by ancient mediaeval fortifications, which offer a charming atmosphere and a panoramic view of the city. A walk along the walls is recommended to enjoy a unique experience. 4. The Church of San Nicolò: This Romanesque church dates back to the 12th century and is one of the oldest monuments in Treviso. Inside you can admire frescoes, sculptures and an evocative crypt. 5. La Fontana delle Tette: This historical fountain, located near the Duomo, is famous for its unusual name and the legend surrounding it. According to tradition, the fountain gushed out wine during celebrations. 6. The Bailo Museum: This contemporary art museum houses a collection of 20th century Italian and European works. It offers an overview of the evolution of modern and contemporary art. 7. La Casa dei Carraresi: This historical palace hosts temporary exhibitions of art, history and culture. It is an important cultural reference point for Treviso. 8. The Buranelli Canal: This fascinating canal winds its way through the historic centre of Treviso and offers a charming view of the colourful houses and picturesque bridges. A walk along the canal is a pleasant way to discover the city. 9. The Treviso Market: Every day, except Sunday, Piazza dei Signori hosts a lively market with stalls selling fruit, vegetables, cheese, cold cuts and other local products. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere of Treviso. 10. Villa Emo: Located just outside the centre of Treviso, this historic villa is a jewel of Renaissance architecture. Surrounded by a beautiful park, the villa offers guided tours to admire the frescoes and gardens. And to discover all the curiosities of the city without unnecessary research, try our free map. Try Secret Maps. Thousands of legends, ghost stories, art treasures and many wonders await you!

Ten things to see in Treviso – Travel summary

P.za del Duomo, 31100 Treviso TV, Italy

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